Stand & Stare

Stand And Stare
A page of things that at any time through our journey has made me or us Stand and Stare, mainly things that are cathartic in nature and that have given great inspiration, emotion, insight or cause for sadness, happiness  and even laughter. The poem below known by most starts the feeling of the page superbly.

Resoluteness Is The Vigour Of Sustainability  (S Rush July 2010)

We Have No Time To Stand And Stare

"What is this life if, full of care, 
We have no time to stand and stare.
No time to stand beneath the boughs
And stare as long as sheep or cows.
No time to see, when woods we pass,
Where squirrels hide their nuts in grass.
No time to see, in broad daylight,
Streams full of stars, like skies at night.
No time to turn at Beauty's glance,
And watch her feet, how they can dance.
No time to wait till her mouth can
Enrich that smile her eyes began.
A poor life this is if, full of care,
                      We have no time to stand and stare."                      
 W.H Davies

To be alive

It’s good to be alive
To laugh and love and thrive
On the things that make life worth while
Like the sweetness of your smile

It’s great to be alive
To be aware, to share, to strive
For the things that make life worth while
Like the joy of a good lifestyle

Yes, it’s great to be alive
To sing - to dance - to have a romance
To get from life another chance
To be A-L-I-V-E

The Power Of Music
"And whenever the evil spirit from God was upon Saul, David took the lyre and played it with his hand; so Saul was refreshed, and was well, and the evil spirit departed from him."
Music, when it is truly healing, may be acting through any or all of these four paths to cut through our carefully constructed defences, thus liberating a deeper appreciation and acceptance of mystery and the potential for healing that lies within. Newtonian physics told us that at base we are particulate; quantum physics, that we are vibratory. It seems that the reality is that we are not either/or, but both/and. Perhaps, in its vibratory nature, music opens us to a greater appreciation of our essential connectedness to the cosmos, our oneness with all that is.

Personally I find music a very powerful and emotional aid in acceptance of most trials I have encountered...what topic has not been covered I ask? Some songs I "use" are very personal and are often sought out in solitude where I allow myself any emotional moments. These moments, although emotional, are ultimately very strengthening, calming and even cathartic in their nature.


Dedicated To The World And For It's Ability To Offer A New Day Everyday

Salute To Different Minds With One Goal

Advice? Toss A Coin. After All It's Your Call.

Angel? I Have But One And She Found Me.

Stained Glass Window at St Mary's Hospital

This window which is one of several in the old church section of the hospital had me stunned as I took time out to enjoy the serenity and hope for the journey ahead, not just for me, as the picture suggests, but for all those whom are affected by our facing mortality.


Picture Perfect
This shot was taken on my final trip to The Christie as my Radiotherapy sessions came to a close. I liked this walk under the decorative flowering Cherry trees and some how it seemed fitting and strengthening as so to was the flowers ending their own cycle.

Power Of Recovery

The bodies ability to recover is always a great design feature! The difference in what is actually a short time of the cut mending is excellent as the pics show.
Taken 3rd Jan 2010                                                                   Taken 5th Jan 2010

Taken 31st Jan 2010

Going Going......The hair loss matter is a strange sort of concept as it's mostly a fear of nothing (speaking as a male) Non the less it is strange and quite emotional as it's a very real sign to yourself and to others inc strangers that you are a cancer luvvy. It's one of the myths of cancer (and I am finding lot's) that you WILL lose your hair if you are having chemo. Chemo treatments are all very different due to a lot of variables in deciding treatment not least your own individual response but the drugs used in my treatment are a sure guarantee that my hair will go. At first I felt comfy at losing my hair but once I realised that this was my beard to I felt very uneasy...why why why? I can only imagine that as I grew my beard and alternating goatie (since 18 year old) it was as much "me" as anything else that made me, me! No eyebrows,eyelashes,beard or body hair is probably going to be a very unnerving experience but I am telling myself that this is a real sign that the chemo is doing what it ought to...kill cells...rogue cells!


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